Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Power of a Tweet

‘Words are conductors of undeniable power. They can carry negative, self-destructive power or electrifying, life-changing, power.’ ~ Billy Cox

One of my social media introverted [SMI] friends  has been very uncomfortable with my incessant blurb over the use of social media platforms as a way of networking & communicating with others from both social and professional view points. As a believer of the ‘relevancy concept’, I’ve been keen to listen to her school of thought. Trust me, she got me inspired to write about ‘The Power of a Human Touch’ an article that would be published in the next few days, stay tuned.

However, last night I read a fascinating post on Forbes website that inspired the writing of this article about the motor city in the U.S. The post told a story of a guy who worked for a PR agency that was helping run the twitter account for Chrysler in the city of Detroit, Michigan. This gentleman [or should I call him ‘careless man’] accidentally tweeted from the Chrysler account thinking he was tweeting from his personal account. On the wrong account he said…

“I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the Motor City yet no one here knows how to f***ng drive.”

Not only was the guy fired immediately, but the next day Chrysler actually dumped the whole agency.

It got me thinking. I know that everyone has a different strategy for their blogs, twitter and facebook. Many people see social media as a platform to get even with people and businesses when they under deliver.

I understand that this is a new way for people to gather the latest information and opinions.
However, out of my almost 1000 tweets, I’ve never tweeted a negative word about another person, business, company or city that I remember (I’m sure someone will take the time to actually go through all of them and prove me wrong). Understand this;

It’s not that I haven’t thought it…I just haven’t tweeted it.

I’ve been frustrated at certain restaurants.

I’ve been angry with the service of certain airlines.

I’ve wanted to burn down a phone company with a nasty tweet & a facebook post.

I’ve thought about firing off a passive aggressive tweet or two when someone ticks me off.

But I generally try to refrain.

There is a certain weight to our words.

Proverbs 15:4 ‘The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.’

I would also say the “blog” or the “tweet” or the “facebook post” that brings healing is a tree of life.

There is an element of power in our words and it’s not accidental. Our Creator has shaped our hearts and souls to be impacted by the words of others.  It’s part of your design.

I’m not even going to pretend to understand this spiritual principle, rather the "Biblical exegesis" of it, but you certainly can’t ignore it. The words that come out of our mouth or through our typing fingers float through the cyberspace, blogsphere  and land on folks impacting the course and direction of their life.

‘The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters……’ Proverbs 18:4

According to the above biblical scripture, a man’s words are as deep waters, they could either refresh or drown an individual or a business depending on the content released.


We definitely live in a free country, at-least I presume so. I love that you can tweet whatever the heck you want to. Just don’t ever think that your words don’t have an impact.

They do. And more than you could ever imagine. A tweet can have you fired. That's right, it could have your huge business contract with Chrysler terminated. A tweet has power, less than 140 characters worth a tweet can change your life's direction.

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could take some words back?

I’d love to hear your comments and feedback. 

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  1. Oli,
    Oh yes you 're right "don't ever think that your words don't 've an impact."

    This is quite an interesting topic.
    The liberty is immeasurable and uncontrollable.
    It's always good to ask yourself about the motive behind the words, tweets, blogs, facebook posts etc.

    At the same time your response is key.Most of the time you don't even need to answer your critics if that's the scenario.Stay focused and when the results are out, no one can argue with the results.

    I would take a sugarcane approach on this one...consume what's beneficial to you and discard the waste.

  2. One of the most important lessons we can learn is to watch our words. Exercising restraint with your tongue/written words -making sure that your words build people up and do not destroy- is one of the clearest distinguishing factors between people in this generation; The majority of people are negative and overtly hurtful, a minority seek every opportunity to encourage, inspire and generate a good vibe. Just read facebook status updates and this is clear. There is need to win many from the 'dark side!'

  3. Oli,
    ...more like knowing what to do, when to do it,what to say and how to say it, knowing who to talk to and why you're talking to them.

  4. Ada,
    Great name. Thanks. I like 'There is need to win many from the 'dark side!' Lets have at it.

    The Principal thing huh Wisdom. You right.

    Ditto guys.

